Friday, July 22, 2011


da boyz!

isaiah sat on the toilet for the first time today. he woke up with a DRY diaper! first time ever! so when i announced it, my mom took him to the potty. every time before when i've tried to interest zay in the toilet he's screamed bloody murder. so i let grandma handle it. he sat there for a couple minutes! happy! he didn't pee, but he knows thats where he's supposed to go. maybe i'll start having him go to the bathroom when adrian does just so he can see. what a dream! to have both kids potty trained! *sigh*

isaiah talks SO much now. he repeats almost anything you tell him to. he says showa (shower), bath, aden (adrian), last night when we were brushing our teeth i handed him his toothbrush and he pointed to mine and said "mama's" and pointed to his and said "isaiah's"!! perfectly clear! i've never heard him say isaiah before! he knows kitty, doggy, butterfly, ladybug. he knows the names of the millions of cats in the house right now. he says srippers (slippers). he can say "s" just fine at the end of a word but if its at the beginning he says it nasally in the back of his throat. like he's trying to clear his throat almost. hilarious. he asks for the fruit snacks my mom has. he calls them snoot snacks. so now thats what everyone calls them. hahah.

adrian is doing well in school! his class is full of 4 year olds like him. he got in trouble on wednesday. miss jody had a talk with me about it. during nap time i guess most of the kids were being rowdy that day (i got the feeling she was talking to a lot of parents) and adrian was acting up and threw some shoes or something. when i talked with adrian about it afterward, privately, he said "i don't know" so i asked him "you don't know or you don't want to tell me?" and he said "i don't want to tell you." so then i started guessing at things like "did you hit someone? did you yell and scream?" and when he got frustrated at me that i didn't say the right thing he finally told me. it went something like this: "me and jacob were talking and playing and he threw a sock and then i threw a sock and he threw a sock and i threw a sock and he threw a sock and then he threw a sock and i threw a sock and he threw a sock and then we got in trouble and i had to sit with miss jody" so we talked about it and he told me he knows he needs to listen to adults. i told him i don't want to have to talk to miss jody again and he understood. i guess he's been doing well since then (though its only been two days). but i have faith!

adrian LOVES his top bunk on the bunk bed. i could barely get the sheets on his mattress before he was up there crawling around. he seems like such a big kid sleeping on a big kid bed.

he has his first guitar lesson tomorrow! i'm excited! he's probably too young unless tyler taught him (which he won't) but to see him begin to do something like this is pretty cool! we can play actual games together now, like sorry! he loves that game. and candyland! i can't wait to move so that we can get back to a normal life.