Thursday, July 22, 2010


Adrian leaves with Tyler for Cali tomorrow morning. I'm so excited for him, he gets to go to the airport and ride a plane and he's gonna LOVE it!!!!! I'm kinda sad that I'm not with him for his first plane ride but it had to be one of us. I don't actually know how long they'll be gone... heh...

I gave both boys a bath last night. I know this sounds like I never bathe them. Well. I don't. hahaha. Isaiah screams bloody murder when he hears the water turn on. I can't handle his screaming and I'm worried the neighbors think I'm beating him or something. Anyway so I got them both in the bath, and Isaiah is screeching and after I'm done washing him he calms down. He PLAYS with TOYS in the BATH. And Adrian is PLAYING WITH HIM!!!!! I took so many pictures of this momentous occasion I think I filled my memory card. Doofus mother I am.

After bath, Adrian wanted chocolate rocks and I told him he didn't finish his dinner (ravioli) so he doesn't get anything. He tells me he wants to eat his ravioli now, so I give it to him (there is only three little ones left, but there is SAUCE on them) he refuses to eat them because there is sauce. So I say oh well. And he starts throwing the table (its a little table) and hits Isaiah with it. So I don't even put him in time out, I put him to bed. He's screaming the whole time "I AM DONE CRYING NOW I AM DONE" but he's crying while screaming. So I go in with Isaiah and we say prayers and sing a song and I put Isaiah down. Adrian is still upset but calmed down. Eventually he falls asleep. At about midnight he comes in to my room, lies down on top of me and says "mama i'm gonna sleep with you now" and we sleep the rest of the night like that. my sweet sweet man. :)

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